Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What do you all think of this?

Two jurors who voted guilty in the MJ trial a few years ago are releasing a book soon (I heard this on the news this morning) it'll be called "Guilty as Sinned, Free as a Bird". I think it's so stupid. The two only jurors who thought he was guilty are releasing a book on why he was guilty. They are even paying producers to make a movie of it, no one they've asked so far has agreed to do it. I think it's a waste of their time, no one's gonna read it except for the few people who believe MJ to be guilty. The two jurors are so certain the book will be a huge success and even said "It'll be a bigger craze than Twilight". I can't wait until they are proven so wrong. You know the saying "Keep your words sweet, in case you have to eat them" applies nicely here.

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