Monday, July 18, 2011

Long Distance Relationship...? help!?

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years now. We live in the city and he got jumped 3 times in the past month from people just wanting to rob him. He is 18 years of age and is enlisted in the military. He got hurt pretty bad the last time he got jumped, he has nerve damage in his face and has to get surgery due to a broken cheek bone. he got his two front teeth knocked out. Well, now his mom wants him to move back to florida with his grandmother (where he is originally from) and he said yes. I am upset because he agreed to go and he is 18 and could have chosen to stay but he didnt. He has cheated at least two times and lies to me ungodly. but i still love him, I want to know if you think this might work? Should i try the long distance relationship? He said he would move back after this year of high school. I just got a job and we plan to get our own place. Should i try to make things work? Or let our trust issues rule out having a long distance relation? HELP!

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