Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why does the African-American community use race as a factor for everything?

I am a black man. After I joked about them sticking together, one of my white partners shed some facts that really bothered me that i didnt see. He said how is it possible that Obama received 98% support from black voters. If white people did that there would never be anything but whites presidents since they represent 73% if the country. It is quite obvious that race was a factor. OJ, it is quite obvious to any rational person that, that man was guilty as sin. But black jurors let him off not helped by all the black people that formed outside and made it a race thing. We have BET, UNCF, NAACP, Black Panthers, Black liberation Party and that's not even a fraction.I am ashamed to say it but it seems as if white people have evolved to not see color as much as we do. What if we take it too far and they start feeling that we have taken it too far like they did. We need to wise up

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