Saturday, July 23, 2011

I was summoned to appear to another court duty a few weeks later?

I don't know about that, but after I spent a week in the hospital and nearly bled to death from botched surgery, after I got discharged from hospital and got home, there was a notice in my mail for me to appear fo jury duty the very next day. With my luck, I would have been counted as an FTA, and they would have come and arrested me! Talk about tacky!!! I couldn't even walk! and they expected me to be there at 8am the next day!!!! What a bunch of idiots!! Like I was supposed to call them and say" "Gee, Im going to have a life threatening emergency on the following date, almost die on the next 2, require a blood transfusion the 3rd day, get an infection on the 4th day, etc, etc!!" They wanted you to call in before you needed any time off from jury duty. Like I was suppose to know I was gonna end up in the hospital!!! NOT!! It looked like someone butchered a goat in my hospital room!!! So, I do NOT register to vote anymore,,,This is why...I called the courthouse, and told them about my bad luck, and they actually wanted PROOF! I was like WTF??? How tacky is that!!! JERKS!! So, I had to have someone take me physically to the dr which was almost impossible for me, since I couldn't even walk much less stand up, and then Dr had to fax a medically unfit for jury duty note!! That was just going too far!! Like I was gonna put my life on hold, and risked going to jail cause I wouldn't have been excused for jury duty??? Like I knew what was gonna happen to me and require emergency surgery, NOT!! Yeah, put my life on hold for politics? NOPE not anymore....See what a mess you can get in if you register to vote??? That would have looked real professional of hem to arrest me for being in hospital, not knowing that I would get so sick, and me handcuffed and not even able to stand up, much less even walk 10 feet!! Jerks. So, all I have to say is DON'T VOTE!!!

Which Juror (in 12 Angry Men) can I compare to Martin Luther King, Jr.?

I have to write an essay about Martin Luther King and compare him to a juror from 12 angry men, i need to talk about how they went against the status quo successfully. I thought of Juror #8 at first, but I kind of had difficulties. Then, I considered The Foreman or Juror #1, but he didn't really "go against the status-qou" so I'm stuck....

Can I use a bass amp with a metal distortion pedal and guitar?

Of course you can. Why would you think that you can't? There's no significant difference electrically between a bass and a guitar.

Jury this normal? or unusual?

I'm 22 & just got a letter in the mail asking me to fill out a form stating if I was available or not for jury duty in July on a Thursday. This is the first time I have ever been called for jury duty so I don't really know how this works. I checked off that yes, I would be available. The asked some other questions (I can't really remember what mostly just occupation? for which I put student because I just graduated college, don't have a job yet & am started law school this September, and something like are you physically and mentally able to be a juror? for which i said Yes, and more of those types of questions). I mailed it back the same day. Now, a couple of days later I get a letter saying I have been excused and do not need to show up. Is this a misunderstanding in that they think I won't be available? I don't want to get in trouble later down the road because they thought I said I wasn't available when I was...should I call them and tell them I'm available or is this something normal? Thanks.

Can a bigger amperage than tolerated burn/ short circuit a device?

yes a larger amount of current (amperage) can cause a device to burn out. The higher current damages sensitive Integrated circuits and cause the device to malfunction. My recommendation is to always check both the volts AND amperage before you use a power adaptor other than the one the manufacture recommends. Also any time the light goes out there si a reason try to find that out before you plug it in again. you might have done permanent damge to your pedal.

What do you think of this passage?

"I will tell you a pleasant tale which has in it a touch of pathos. A man got religion, and asked the priest what he must do to be worthy of his new estate. The priest said, "Imitate our Father in Heaven, learn to be like him." The man studied his Bible diligently and thoroughly and understandingly, and then with prayers for heavenly guidance instituted his imitations. He tricked his wife into falling downstairs, and she broke her back and became a paralytic for life; he betrayed his brother into the hands of a sharper, who robbed him of his all and landed him in the almshouse; he inoculated one son with hookworms, another with the sleeping sickness, another with gonorrhea; he furnished one daughter with scarlet fever and ushered her into her teens deaf, dumb, and blind for life; and after helping a rascal seduce the remaining one, he closed his doors against her and she died in a brothel cursing him. Then he reported to the priest, who said that that was no way to imitate his Father in Heaven. The convert asked wherein he had failed, but the priest changed the subject and inquired what kind of weather he was having, up his way." --- Mark Twain, Letters From the Earth

Wouldn't it be amazing if Nancy Pelosi were soon restored to Speaker of the House?

What would be amazing would be if Pelosi was brought up on charges of treason for her crimes against the Constitution!

Would you like to learn about Che Guevara's Revolutionary Efforts in his own words, with no distortions?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Rob Bell claims he is not a Universalist, but does he promote universalist theology?

Is his book LOVE WINS the first of his works promulgating a universalist message OR has that them always been in his work? Or do you disagree with that entire premise?

Do I need to use a 10-22mm or 15-85mm EF~S lens?

I took 'side view' pics of Fire Trucks and Firemen during a Pre-Parade Inspection. I used the standard 18-55mm EF~S from about 15 feet away. I can't move back any further. I'm losing about 6-8 feet of the truck. Trying again this 4th of July.... Should I use a 10-22mm EF~S or 14-85mm EF~S? I want the entire truck in the pic, but I don't want curved edges (distortion) on the pictures.

Why isn't my delay pedal acting properly?

So i just bought a tc electronic nova delay pedal. I tried it out at the store and it sounds great! But now I'm at home trying to figure out why it isn't working properly. I'm playing out of a tube amp. Egnater Renegade. I tried all plug-in examples. Even the effects loop, which is what I want to use cause I use distortion & overdrive from my amp. And I plug it up correctly. But when I turn everything on, there's a lot of feedback, just the ehhhhh noise ya know? And there's no sound coming from my guitar, well there is, but I literally have to turn my amp all the way up just to here a little sound, and even then it's not loud AND my delay pedal is giving delay to the feedback and not my guitar. idk whats wrong? I'm using instrument cables. I don't have the short patch cables yet but I heard you can use regular patch cables. Someone help please? Let me know if i must provide more info.

MDM4UO Hypergeometric Distribution question?

A 12-member jury for a criminal case will be selected from a pool of 14 men and 11 women. What is the probability that at least 3 jurors will be women? 0.9886

Anyone agree that imposement of modern race/cultures/etc with past ones is a dangerous distortion of history?

Your thoughts on how cultures and people change over the centuries is interesting. Ancient European culture was pretty well scrambled by the Germanic invasions of the late Roman era, and every country you mention, France, Italy, and England in particular, were drastically changed by the cultural influence of the German invaders. Ancient cultural traits can be recognized in every one of these countries, but each is a conglomeration of mixed cultures in today’s world. But it is not valid to put too much emphasis on past glory or failures. We are today what we make of ourselves.

Is it wrong to laugh at peoples misfortune?

Not things like losing a loved one, death or being diagnosed with a disease rather getting ran over, beaten up, robbed etc. Like once my brother got beaten up real bad bust black eyes bruises bust lip oh it was too funny me and my other brother kept going into laughing fits just by looking at him. He kept punching us up but it was too much couldn't stop laughing at how messed his face and the story of how it happened.

How do you know if you can sit in on a court case?

My boyfriend has to go to court tomorrow as a juror and I'm visiting from another state and don't really want to sit here all day without him. Is there a place for me to go in the courtroom and wait for him? Am I allowed to sit in on court cases without permission? Am I allowed to just show up? Do I have to bring ID of some sort?

Question about guitar amplifiers, new guitar problem?

Yeah I probably would have tried that first Dean through a different amp before I sold it. The best guitar in the world will still sound like crap through a cheap amp. I'm with Lucas on the Line 6, they don't impress me at all. Go tube or go home.

Newbie question about jury duty?

I was called in for the jury selection process earlier today but have yet to participate in the voir dire process. So far, the judge and lawyers have released 14 prospective jurors, while 11 were not released. Are those 11 who were not dismissed a lock for the trial panel or can the judge and lawyers still dismiss them through a second round of questioning? I hope I do NOT get selected to the panel so I want those 12 juror seats plus alternates filled before I have to go through with the questioning process.

Why is the jury present during victim impact evidence if they can't use it to form their opinion on sentencing?

sadly when listening to the victims statements the jury is human. and you cant unring that bell ! so it seems prejudicial and shouldn't be allowed.

Self-Defense or Murder??? Oklahoma Case Sparks Debate?

Shooting an unconscious person is murder, you can't go get a other gun unload into a guy and it not be murder

What Do You Think Of Our Band Name?

it sounds kind of average, you know? Like guys trying to come up with a unique band name that ends up sounding like everyone else. plus senile citizens sounds more of a heavy metal name to me, not alternative rock..

Have you ever served on a jury - what was the calibre of your fellow jurors?

Sadly, I've only had one summons, and when I called to see whether I was supposed to report, I was excused. I'd love to serve on a jury. At 41, I think its weird I've only been contacted once, while others my age have been called numerous times, but that's how it works, I suppose.

Law question here,murder,death penalty?

I have been studying criminal justice and have a degree. You don't need fingerprints or witnesses sounds like they had substantial evidence in the hair found. Those hairs probably hurt his case and tied him to the scene. Everyone convicted of first degree murder has a right to appeal and it will go to the appeals court. You can do that a few times but most of time the appeals court will not overturn the verdict if the evidence is strong enough for a conviction. He will probably sit on death row for a very long time and die of natural causes before they would put him to death. All anyone can do now is pray for his soul. God Bless.

Safety for items on amtrak?

Ok so im riding on amtrak, I need some help. Im planning on taking my psp and my Camera with me. I heard that if you leave it un atenned people will rob you. I need some ideas on how I can lock them up> Like maybe on my carry on bag i can put a lock? I dk HELP!

What happens after the jury decides on a verdict?

Do you have to return at a later date to be present when the judge announces the verdict? Or is it finally over for the jurors after we turn in the verdict paper.

How do courts decide who to select to be on a jury?

The plaintiff's lawyer wanted me when he heard my accent, the defendant did not want me. I voted for the defendant and he won the case. When I left the court I looked at him and he had the most perplexed look on his face so I smirked!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Should I move in or keep looking?

Im about to move into this beautiful apartment, I was shown the unit and was told that my unit will be in the back of a huge 19 building complex(Im in building 18) but then I read the reviews for the apartment complex and they were terrible, see for yourself Drug dealers, loud teenagers,poor maintenance, etc not to far away, theres a really bad neighborhood and it is said that the punks from that neighborhood comes into the complex to rob from homes and cars. I live on the second floor and my apartment is all the way in the back, so im wondering if I should risk it. I wont lie or sugarcoat if I could I would find another place but Im a full time college student with a part time job. I dont qualify for affordable living, which are beautiful affluent homes with low prices because, and I quote "Im a full time student, not on welfare and not a single father of at least two kids". So what Im asking is should I just take the risk living there, because its terrible, but trust me when I say, this week alone I've seen much worse.

Do you think that female jurors are more influenced by emotional testimony during a trial?

Hypothetically, if it was proven that women were less capable of being impartial jurors, would you support legislation that limited/banned women from serving on juries?


sorry i know this doesnt belong in this section but i really need help. ok basically me and my boyfriend were getting ... umm intimate last night, and as we were getting intimate i was on top , then we switches, but when he was on top , he said and i quote " yes , rob harder " i was actually really confused, i dont even think he knew he said it . i am wondering what should i do , we have been together for 2 years and this has never happened before, he doesnt at all look gay , or anything, he is very man like ? help me please, because my friend told me that he was telling her , that he was going to propose to me , and i dont want to be married to a gay guy (i have nothing against gays, i have a few gays friends) please help me someone

You are working as a paralegal in a large scale law firm. The lawyer you have been assigned to work with , Emi?

You are working as a paralegal in a large scale law firm. The lawyer you have been assigned to work with , Emily is representing a notorious serial killer named Jack Ripper. Jack has already been convicted of murder and Emily is preparing for the sentencing hearing, where she hopes Jack will recieve a prison term instead of the death penalty. Emily has assigned you the task of creating a short Power Point presentation that will be released to the public through various media outlets. The purpose of the Power Point slides is not to convince anyone Jack is innocent, but to demonstrate to the public Jack should not be sentenced to die. What type of design would you choose for your slides? What type of pictures would you insert into the slides? What information should be included on the slides to convince the public, and hopefully the jurors, the death penalty should not be administered to Jack? Do you think it would be a good idea to use any of the animation features available in Power Point? If so, which ones?REsponse Criteria:

Why won't this song stop playing on the sims?

I used to occasionally hear this somewhat erie music while playing the sims 3. It would only occur at night. The first time I was at the gym with the father of the household. All he was doing was picking up rocks outside and then the weird, almost creepy music played. I thought maybe someone was trying to rob my house even though i wasn't there to see it. Nothing ever happened to me or my house or family. It almost sounds like someone failed at doing something too. It's not like any noise I've ever heard while playing before. It's definitely nothing good. It's not the noise when someone is rejected or when something gets broken though. It only seems to occur at random. But now it won't stop playing. I understand hearing creepy music at night because apparently ghosts walk around the neiborhood but I've never seen them. When the music came on the first time tonight, i looked around the lot everywhere for ghosts... Nothing. No robbers, no ghosts, no anything. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Not only can i still not figure out what the noise is from, i can't get it to stop either. Please help, im less freaked out now but im just annoyed from it.

What Does a guitar Processor do ?

Basically, it emulates what the individual pedals do, distortion, chorus, delay, reverb, etc. To me the processors just don't come close to sounding as good as individual pedals. So for instance you can buy a Boss ME-25 multi-effects processor for $199 and it does a bunch of different effects. You can buy a Boss DD-7 pedal that only does delay for $179. So you really can't expect the processor to be of the same sound quality as the individual pedal. Of course there are much more expensive processors that would sound better. To me it's just a compromise. You give up sound for convenience.

Questions about Jury duty?

Out of curiosity say a person is called for jury duty for a criminal trial and during questioning the juror realizes that the defendant is someone they know like a cousin or brother. But lets say the lawyers and the judge don't know that and the juror pretends to not know the person and is chosen to be a juror for their cousin or brothers court case. What would happen to both the Juror and the defendant if the court DOES find out they are related and the juror lied about this.

Orange or Vox Guitar Amp?

Yeah the Laney tube amps are pretty killer, I had a 20 watt Lionheart with 4 10's. I have had a couple Orange tube amps and to me they do one thing really well but aren't all that versatile. It wouldn't be my choice for blues. The AC30 is a great amp and is one of many amps I considered, but after playing a ton of amps the Mesa Boogie Lone Star Special was the amp for me. I also play blues and rock, the LSS can do anything from Fender cleans to really serious distortion and the reverb is excellent.

Help received a Juror subpoena failure to respond..?

Call an attorney in NY and ask him/her to handle it. It might cost more than the fine, but it would be worth it to me to keep my reputation spotless for reasons of employment, credit, etc.

When getting robbed at gunpoint, does it break a commandment to covet the robber's gun?

An interesting philosophical question. The answer would be YES. You should not covet the gun, which is an emotional response. But you should either defend yourself, get the gun, or get away.

Do I need F-spaced pickups or regular?

I have an epiphone g-400 and want to replace the alnico humbuckers with dimarzio super distortion pickups. and when you buy them do they come one at a time or both. because its like 60 bucks now and I want both pickups to be the same. but if I do that will it make it so I have the same tone twice, or will the position change that?

In my country some young women like married men... What about young american women??? Tell me....?

Well let me tell you it takes two people to break up a relationship. Another thing a woman cannot rob a husband from another woman. If a man does leave his wife for another woman it is because he does not want to be there either because the wife is not taking care of him or simply because he is trash.

Canon FD to EOS converter? Confused?

I bought a FD to EOS converter online, knowing very well these types of things are hit or miss. I bought it primarily to use with a older, but at one time top of the line, 75-200 telephoto lens. I have used it quite a bit, and the telephoto captures every bit as good of images as a dedicated lens (with the exception of the aperture limitations in some situations). Images have so far been sharp as a tack with no visual distortion using this particular lens and the converter. This morning, I decided to play with some other FD mount lenses I have. They don't seem as willing to produce good images. It reminds me very much of the "grainy" appearance of high iso film, and the wide angle got a white, hazy almost "vignetting" thing going on. Any ideas as to why one lens works quite well with the converter and others don't? Possible the higher quality optics in the telephoto vs the other lenses? If the converter didn't work at all, I would understand. If the converter worked well with all the lenses, I would understand that. But I'm not understanding whynit only works well with the one lens. Anynideas/insight?

Why is the death penalty still so unjust, biased, and racist?

man thats such **** listen to yourself your one of those black people nobody likes dont get me wrong yeah theres a lot of racist white people but blacks are racist too they get sentenced to death due to what the crime is theres a system that ranks the crime and the punishments

Will a blown subwoofer hurt my amp?

I cant think of any reason why it would hurt your amp... maybe just disconnect your amp at the fuse or power line till you get new subs.

What's The Deal With Distortion?

Well it really depends on your amp guitar. If you have a strat... Your pickups are just going to scream and sound weird on a heavy channel. And yeah most **** that you hear that is clean isn't really that clean they master the tracks on the computer. Buy a Les Paul and a Marshall dude!!!!!!!!!! :D Some guitars strings they ring well but not well balanced with eachother so like the G string might ring higher than the A per se and it'll sound weird. So yeah good guitar....

Amplifiers and tone for guitars?

Well for starters your setup is all digital so you won't get a professional sound BUT you can still get it to sound great. If you have a cheap cable it can suck up your sound so invest in something like livewire or planet waves. The speaker doesn't color the sound unless you have super trained dog ears. A bigger amp will only sound good if its cranked up and i don't think you need that kind of volume a 15w can get LOUD. What you have to do is base your sound off of your pedal. Use a clean or slightly distorted amp setting and then use your pedal's EQ to mold the sound to your liking. Then add a little reverb and/or delay from your Vyper to finish it up. A couple of hints would be to cut the mids a little. Too much doesn't sound good. Also use the middle or rhythm on your guitar's toggle switch. Don't just keep it on treble. ( a beginner mistake) Putting the neck/rhythm pickup and putting the guitar's tone knob to 0 yields a great smooth tone. Hope this helped a bit.



I need to return home but I really don't know what to do?

Why dont u juss ask the family ur staying with im sure they will take u home or give u a ride And sum advice DONT EVER RUN FROM UR PROBLEMS it juss makes life more complex and the problem more worser :) take this event from ur life and learn this lesson its very valuable and should always be remenber dont run from ur problems :) good luck in life and God bless

Christians, can you help me.?

I don't understand why it is acceptable to subjectively dictate morality but objectively state that those people have done nothing wrong and therefore that the don't need saved. (objectivity is assumed to an extent to be able to determine they don't need saved) How can you factually do this but subjectively judge the Christians? I guess I'm missing something here...

Do you think this pharmacist should have been convicted of 1st Degree murder for shooting a robber?

He should have given the robbers all the money and all the good drugs, and then everybody hold hands and sing Kumbaya.

Why am I having distortions?

I often think things are moving when they are really not, such as mirrors, rugs, windows, walls... It's almost like that are waving like the ocean or breathing. I also look in the mirror sometimes and I thinking I huge (fat) when I know for a fact I am not. I know I am not, but my eyes make me feel like I am, so now I started working out at the gym. The reason I'm concerned now is because I was cleaning off a pair of my shoes and my shoes looks bigger than my foot is.... and now that I think about it, many things look TOO BIG to me.... sometimes I even feel odd... Like I'm too big (not in a fat way)... I don't know, but something is wrong and I'm tired of this.

In 12 angry men what motive did some jurors say the young man must have had for the murder?

He argued or fought with his father and obviously disliked him, even saying he'd kill him even if the "wise" juror didn't interpret that literally.

Why criteria do lawyers use to select jurors out of members on jury duty?

If the trial was for the rape of a 17 year old and you were close to that age, you might be excused by the prosecution because you might identify with the defendant. Attorneys in a Medicare fraud case might not want you if you were disabled. Attorneys want to win and they want jurors that will vote for their side. I may sound jaded but I believe that justice is not always blind and the good guy does not always win. It's up to you to make the system better.


Could any of the jurors, pass a polygraph that they believe Bonds didn't know he was taking steroids?

What is your favorite Rob Zombie movie? if you have one?

I'd have to say the Halloween reboot he did. I really loved how he gave Micheal Meyers a back story!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How can I get a Van Halen sound on a Fender amp?

I made a setting the echo is right but too much distortion I play a Standard Fender Telecaster also a Schecter Hellraiser C-1 special.

If i forgot to mail in my jury papers in the state of new mexico?

If I forgot to mail in my juror papers will I be in trouble? Like a warrant or something? My name had been selected but they hadn't really selected me to serve. They wanted me to turn in two questionairres with my info. The term is already almost over! Should I go to the courthouse and see whats up? Or do you think i mighta just gotten lost in the system?!

What is the name of this cartoon character?

He was a man in like a red suit, always very,very hyper & I think he had a question mark on his chest. There was one episode where he saved a bank from being robbed. He had long hair that was sort of slicked back too, & in the cut scenes between the show, it would show him bounce up real close to the screen. Thank You:)

What would stop a malicious juror?

What would stop a juror from deciding he didn't like a plaintiff or defendant (and didn't want him to prevail) just based on the fact that the plaintiff or defendant had a mustache or something? And if a juror decides against or for something, do they have to explain why or why not?

Are trials in Canada extremely different from trial in the USA?

trials are about the same.....just go to the courthouse and witness a juicy Nunavut trial....what IS different is the public never hears abut the sensationalism of the case until after the verdict.....

Favorite Rob Thomas song?

I've been listening to Rob Thomas since Tabitha's Secret. There's just something about him. I just love all his music.. I like how all his songs' are differen't, and still great in their own ways. I was just wondering what your favorite song was by Rob Thomas as a solo artist?.. If you have more than one please share :) Mine is "Lonley No More".

Question about electic guitar?

so when i play songs it doesnt sound like it at all, my guitar is tuned and plugged into my amp and it just sounds light and BTW how do you add distortion?

Jury Choosing Process?

If you want to see the jury selection process in action,tune in to TruTV on weekdays starting at 9am. They are selecting the jury for the Casey Anthony trial right now. One potential juror was questioned for over 2 hours. It is quite interesting.

Video game with rob zombie songs?

ok when I was younger my uncle would play a game and he called it rob zombie cause it had all rob zombie songs. in the begining you are in a room and when you walk out there is a purple-ish girl zombie laying on a operation table. this has bugged me for the longest time.

How stoooopid is this Facebook user?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do you create expressionist art?

i'm using the expressionism art style and conte as the media and the theme i'm using is inequality for an art project for school. i dont fully grasp what makes expressionism art expressionism art. every website i've looked at doesn't exactly answer my question. i want to know what charcteristics make it expressionism art such as distortion, brush strokes etc. also if i dont distort it much and just have a bunch of symbols such as hands and other objects representing things does it have to be more abstract than that or how do i make it expressionism art?

I sprayed pepper spray in the face of a pregnant woman. Can she file assault charges against me?

Now before you leap to conclusions, she’s black, and I thought that she was going to rob me because I was in line at a hamburger place in a bit of a lower class city (Manhattan), and I didn’t know anybody there, and I was already on edge because I had just been fired from my job (not my fault, my boss is an ***), so I was just really uptight and anxious. Anyways, she tapped me on the shoulder and said something to me (I think she asked if I was in line?), I turned around and realized that she was black, so I got scared, and I sprayed the pepper spray in her face. She fell backwards and started screaming, and that’s when I realized that she was pregnant. So, I did the only reasonable thing to do, I took off my blouse and put it over her face, I ran out of the place and hopped in my Ford Explorer (god bless America) SUV, and drove off. Now, I didn’t go around telling people my name or my email address or anything, but I think that I saw one of the woman’s “homies” writing down my license plate number. What should I Do? Can she sue me for assault or something? It’s not my fault, is it? It was an accident, I can’t be held responsible for my actions since it was a provoked attack, and I only responded out of fear. If anything, it was self defense and she could be held responsible for this, right?

How did the jurors in the Casey Anthony trial ask to see evidence?

If the jurors have been instructed not to be discussing the case among themselves, how were they able to request to see evidence? Not only did the judge allow it, the jury actually passed it around and physically held it. Wouldn't this be grounds for a mistrial, and contempt charges for the jury?

Sticky Fingaz said this quote On What song?!?! It was a on a bonus CD that came with the Shut'em Down album.?

"I got a chip on my shoulder/ when I'm sober I'm liver/ I once robbed a n***a with a phillips screwdriver"

How to make a sound editor program in notepad?

can someone teach me how to make a program that will access my the microphone port on my card to let me edit incoming sound to where i can add effects like wah-wah's and distortions like i'd be able to with all the foot-pedals and special equipment for guitars. i want it to work like an amp to allow me to adjust the volume, tone, treble, middle, bass, all those things but be able to do all the sepcial effect you can do with all that fancy equipment....thankyou

Can someone help me with Guitar Distortion?

Your FX peddle just goes between your guitar and input on the amp, in other words plug your guitar into the Ped then the ped into the amp just as you would your guitar, so yes you need another cord just like the one you already have, as far as quality and price go you get what you pay for, I've seen overdrive/distortion peds as low as $39 bucks, and Multi FX for as low as $100, how much you wanna spend? and how long you want it to last?

Cheap bass distortion?

I play a 4-string Washburn Electric String Bass in drop D. I want a distortion switch/pedal/box/whatever you want to call it. It doesn't have to be designed for bass, necessarily. I have played through some designed for guitars that sounded great. I'm a penny pincher though, and frankly, used is better. Know of any sales, or low price high quality brands?

If you were a juror in a criminal trial, how would a judge know if you decided the case on whether......?

When juries deliberate cases, members can ask questions or state their opinions if they choose but are not required to say anything during the entire process unless the foreman decides to use a spoken "Guilty" or "Not guilty" poll or final vote instead of the usual show of hands. Therefore, if you never told the rest of the jury that your vote was based on the fact that you thought the law was wrong (in which case the foreman would be required to report it to the judge, and an alternate would probably be chosen to replace you), the judge would never know your reasoning. Deliberations are secret even from the judge except as far as problems the foreman may report.

Why don't we have a system of professional jurors?

Doesn't it make sense to train people to be jurors by profession? They would have legal expertise instead of being amateurs plucked off the street. It would also end the disruption of people's lives who have busy careers interrupted by jury duty. Wouldn't it be easier to get unbiased jurors if they're people trained to do it as a profession?

Any way to reduce distortion in music?

I am using iTunes and this album was recorded with entirely too much distortion... is there anyway to reduce it?

Analyze quote?? 12 Angry Men quote (12th juror)?

"Well there are some pretty strange people- not strange, really- they just have peculiar ways of expressing themselves, y'know what I mean?"

In the movie Home Alone, why did the camera guy film instead of calling the cops?

This has been bugging me for a while. In Home Alone the camera guy just filmed what was happening and didn't call the cops. I'm confused about why he didn't just call the cops? A kid was home alone and his house was robbed, so why didn't the guy filming call the cops?

HOmework help about Being a Juror?

Just look it up. Do you need a website? Just Google "Michigan juror info" a site should come up. I'm not sure what you're confused about and what you need help with.

Are jurors allowed to talk about the case amongst themselves?

wondering i, as the case is going on , are the jurors allowed to discuss the case amongst each other to come to a decision?

What devices/effects did Jimi Hendrix use in "purple haze"?

In the beginning. I have a fender stratocaster (same as Jimi) and mine doesn't sound like his at all. I even messed around with the pickups, distortion, delay and chorus. Anyone able to help? Cheers. Also, is it standard tuning?

Please Help . Im So Scared! -Sunburn Related?

I went to the lake for 5 hours with no sunscreen and i got a horrible sunburn but i began to peel off skin , that wasn't ready and now i have a pink spot in the middle of my forehead . will it scar or leave colour distortion ? ! Please Help Me !

Protection of equipments from electromagnetic induction?

My brother is "Radiologist". since last 15 days his sonography monitor is getting distortion(appearing wrinkles on monitor) . he asked about to some technicians. they told him ,it is due to magnetic inductions because of cables passing from nearby side. Is there any way to get rid off. please tell me .

Why are Americans so caught up with petty personal pop-culture related problems?

I hear people complain about going to work, having Internet lag, when their favorite team loses a game, (I've even seen people people cry over sports before btw) and also things like complaining about a rude comment someone posted on their Facebook profile pic which was supposed to make all the guys thing she was hot, and things like not finding a parking space, gas prices being to high. When in other places people are being raped, killed, and robbed.

How long until politicians come out of the closet and admit to being atheists?

Soon I hope. Our economic conditions right now are not sustainable.So the less personal falsehoods right now the better.

Parents/anyone with half a heart?

Would you be able to be an unbiased juror on the Casey Anthony trial? I just read that jury selection was today. If you can't already tell from my tone, I couldn't.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Conditional Probability?

A panel of jurors consists of 15 persons who have had no education beyond high school and 9 who have had some college education. If a lawyer randomly chooses two of them to ask some questions, what is the probability that neither of them will have had any education?

Seniors, are you keeping up with the casey anythony case?

I haven't been watching like you have, but have heard a little. I hope they can find enough jurors, because I hope there is no chance of her walking free. What sticks in my mind the most is the way she was out partying while her daughter was "missing." What kind of mother would do that?

Whats the name of the serial albertsons robber from texas?

I saw a tv show on investigation discovery about a man who had robbed multiple albertsons in texas and escaped from jail twice. I searched on google for a bit but havent found anything.

I need to raise $6,500 by May 2012 how can I do this?

I am 13 years old but will be turning 14 soon and I need to raise $6,500 to cover my part of my dream trip to Ireland that my grandmother is going to take me on, but I have no idea how to raise the money and my parents can't help at all. Please no stupid answers like robbing a bank. Please help!!

How does Jury Nullification work?

Is it --regardless of the evidence presented to a jury/juror a juror can decide that he doesn't agree with the Law and nullify it in that case.?

Best order for my effects pedals?

Why not the volume immediately after the wah? I would put a flanger after your Cathedral, before the panner. But, if i were you, i would experiment. You might think about a compressor somewhere in there (prob after the wah). Part of me wants you to try the compressor LAST though too.

I Recieved A Jury Summons in the Mail Today?

I Got this letter that i am summoned to apply for a juror, I have never done this nor do i want to with 2 Small kids in school 1 is a half day and a husband who is in the military plus we are moving 2 months after the date of summons. I can excuse this but i just don't know how to make it sound like it is a valid excuse. What are your Opinions on how i should Write it?

'Twelve Angry Men' Quote help!?

I don't remember "Twelve Angry Men" being about "getting one of them off the streets".

What is it called when you change thoughts you once had when dealing with a certain situation?

Well..we always called it 'changing your mind' and doing something different. But then, in those days we didn't get bogged down in psychological terminology that tended to make us feel like we were loftier than we really were.

Need help with my prescription?

Believe it or not the difference between your prescriptions is so slight that the difference in magnification is minute, Nearsighted people are often concerned with the small look of their eyes in the same way that farsighted people are embarrassed and afraid of looking "bug eyed". Most likely you are the only one that really notices...concentrate on nice frame selection and proper fitting so that attention is not drawn to what you are so bothered with. Good Luck!

My dad has been called up for jury service?

It means has he been living in this country for 5 years (or more) since he was 13. From the information you have given, yes he has.

Guy Problem please help?

I have a friend and both of us knew this guy (Rob) we were both equally friends with him and we sometimes hung out with him at school. I really like him as more than a friend, and just yesterday he asked out my friend. She said no because her parents wont let her date until shes 17 but I thought that he liked me but I guess not. What if he askes me out now can I go out with him or since my friend likes him does this mean i cant. Also neither one of us had his number and he asked her out over text so how did she get his number. Please share your thoughts on what i should do.

I can't feel love, happiness, excitement, anticipation, hope, etc. anymore?

noyones going to answer okay i will. hey i feel the same way i cant care about anything. now that i realize it im just sitting in the dark where as i used to be afraid now i dont care, cant care really. i think ur blaming all this on yourself maybe or just tired of all this mess. if your blaming it on you -me being the jerk i am- you shouldnt its not ur fault i mean to say that were all little kids inside and now there acting like ones too. if your sick of the fighting -more obvious reason- you need to escape maybe join meez or if your not into online stuff escape creatividly speaking. by drawing or singing poetry anything that sparks ur attention it could be collecting hats for all i care. idk what to say about motivation since i have none nor do i need any. im friggan advanced. but you do need to take care of yourself. maybe bath eat sleep all that other $hit. well there it is hopefully your situation gets better. and ignore your dad. take his insults as complements.

What do you all think of this?

Two jurors who voted guilty in the MJ trial a few years ago are releasing a book soon (I heard this on the news this morning) it'll be called "Guilty as Sinned, Free as a Bird". I think it's so stupid. The two only jurors who thought he was guilty are releasing a book on why he was guilty. They are even paying producers to make a movie of it, no one they've asked so far has agreed to do it. I think it's a waste of their time, no one's gonna read it except for the few people who believe MJ to be guilty. The two jurors are so certain the book will be a huge success and even said "It'll be a bigger craze than Twilight". I can't wait until they are proven so wrong. You know the saying "Keep your words sweet, in case you have to eat them" applies nicely here.

What kind of notifications do your employers get when you serve jury duty in california? Date and time? ?

or just dates. Reason I'm asking is my boss is asking me for hours but the juror guy said just days are reported. I don't want to get in trouble for what I can't provide.

Which would you choose? HTC or iPhone?

iPhone. I've had HTC and it's very limited to personalization, plus they always freeze up or malfunction in some sort of way. My best friend got an HTC recently, we had phone wars about how my iPhone is better than her phones and vice versus...and then just like 2 months after she got it it started malfunctioning ALL THE TIME! So she got a new one with her warranty, and sure enough, same things were happening. I LOVE my iPhone. Wouldn't have it any other way.

What is the reason for the recent spate of race riots and flash mob thuggery?

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Need help with math homework 10 points for best answer!!!!!?

In how many different ways can a panel of 12 jurors and 2 alternates be chosen from a group of 16 prospective jurors?

Can stating that I have a mental illness on a juror questionnaire affect my chances of future employment?

Juror questionaires are public and anyone can see them. However, the odds of some prospective employer finding them, in even the most thorough background check, is very slim. Many prospective employers will ask the same question themselves and will ask for a release so that they can get your medical records, and will not hire someome who refuses, but that was not your question.

Jury duty/ Bench warrant?

If someone has a bench warrant in one county, and goes to jury duty in another, will the court where you are serving jury duty know that you have a bench warrant and arrest you? I was told by a police officer that they don't run the names of the jurors, but that doesn't really make sense. Please answer if you know the answer to this, not just an opinion. Thanks!

I need a good neck humbucker?

i installed a dimarzio super distortion and love it, but my stock neck humbucker (a jackson model) sucks in comparison. so im trying to find another pickup to fill it, i dont want a another super distortion because i wanna try to mix two sounds. im into playing thrash metal like metallica and anthrax, and lots of gwar stuff. but i dont know what pickup to get

Is juror information safe from defendents?

Nope. The defendant--no matter if he is the worst drug lord out there with suspected kill squads of toadies under his pay, still gets to find out EVERYTHING about each and every potential juror.

Pharmacist gets convicted for 1st degree murder for shooting an armed robber, miscarriage of justice?

I agree the first one was justified the second one he should have pleaded temporary insanity, although no loss to the world he should not have gone back out a second time, he should have got manslaughter in the second one, as itsnot like he shot Joe upstanding Citizen,


MY NUMBER IS 195..CAN SOME TELL ME HOW IS THIS DESIGNED and what do i have to look forward to. i hope im not the only one who's in there and is clueless about what to do,etc. how does it work.! do a number of people get picked? what happens if you get there and they dont need you? im scared and on top of that im clueless..but i have to go in tomorrow at 8am.

Police what can I do?

There's is an apartment behind out street and the people have made a walk way through it and there has been nothing but trouble since. Almost everybouse on the street has been broken into and worst. The other day they called a pizza guy to a house and robbed the pizza man. People are scared to Even come out the house becuase of these people. They come in big gangs sometimes and really threaten us. What can I do? Or we do? I live in baton rouge, La. They police comes like once a month and lives after 5 minities. What's next?

How to make my voice a little harsher?

If you want to make it as a singer then stay true to yourself. Singers that sound like Rob Zombie are a dime a dozen. The industry desperately needs fresh unique talent.

Need help with math homework 10 points for best answer?

In how many different ways can a panel of 12 jurors and 2 alternates be chosen from a group of 20 prospective jurors?

What will happen if I play a stereo record through a mono speaker?

I want to plug my turntable into my bass amp, which has one red and one white RCA inputs. A guy on here said that that would work as long as I use a pre-amp. But, what if the record I play is in stereo? Will I get sound distortion since my amp only has one speaker? Or will I only get one side of the sound?

Dream about dating a married man? ?

What does it mean to have a dream that you are dating a married man? I had a dream last night that I met this guy and we kissed and we were really attracted to each other. Then he told me that he was married and I asked him how ong he had been married and he said 2 months(it seemed like this wasn't the first months(it seemed like this wasn't the first time we had met though). Then I went time we had met though). Then I went back to work and the store I work at got robbed at gunpoint. back to work and the store I work at got robbed at gunpoint. That was my entire. Dream and then I woke up.

How many days you attend trial for jury duty?

I am thinking about going to jury duty in California. How many days does a juror in california go? I am trying to get a job or make cash this Summer. If I was called 14 times I would meet my quota for enough cash this Summer. And btw california pays 15 a day.

I think Casey will go free/mistrial what do you think?

I want her to get life in prison or the DP. I am not saying a mistrial or freedom could happen, I am saying it WILL happen. Solely cause there is a juror (I think number 4) that is super super religious and claims no one can judge but god. The defense tried and tried to get her and ended up succeeding, even if there was fingerprints, video tape of casey doing it, all the evidence in the world would still cause this too happen cause of that lady and her beliefs. 1 juror in disagreement initiates a hung jury at least. If you disagree or agree, feel free to talk about it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Movie about a girl being trained as an assassin? Not state of Play?

A girls house is being robbed (she's really young maybe like 12?) and her brothers hiding Under the bed but gets stabbed by a robber on top. He survives but the sister dosnt know, the whole time an assassin dood who's good I guess is watching in secret. So she persuades him to train her. He also sleeps with sunglases on next to a lamp. Can anyone tell me what movie this is? Thanks!

Experienced advice needed on workout routines?

if i were in your situation i would alternate but do one day cardio next day half cardio half weights

Guitar Distortion Pedals?

Hey guys, I am currently looking for some preferably high-end guitar distortion (or whatever is needed) type of pedals to get a few different sounds of music. I have a Dean Warbird and a Schecter Hellraiser Special C1-FR (incase you need to know) going through a marshall 100-watt amp (hoping to eventually upgrade to a half-stack, but ill post another question for that when the time comes). I have a distortion pedal, but it is one of those do-everything pedals that is electronic and doesnt specialize in anything in particular, and hoping to upgrade. I have saved up a little money, and want to get some new ones. I am in a band that plays rock (to appease to the bar setting that most of our gigs are at), metal and postcore/deathcore stuff occasionally (very ranged genre type, i know). I was hoping to get pedals that really make my sound great for all of those. If possible, I am hoping to get a pedal that would have great tone and crispness for classic rock, but with enough distortion to play modern rock. The second pedal I want is one that has great gain/distortion and would have the dark and very distorted (but not sooooo much that it is unbearable and undistinguishable) sound that bands like Attila/Within the Ruins would use. I would also like one (for me, not really for the band) that would have the right sound and tone for, say, Avenged Sevenfold type of songs, with lots of solos and preferably made to sound geat with drop D.......... I know this is asking a lot, but if you guys could compile maybe a list or at least answer to one of those, that would be really,really helpful....... Thanks.

How long will boss pedals battery live?

I have a talent show and im thinking about leaving the boss distortion pedal connected throughout the entire show so that whoever is before can turn it off and not have the effect and when its my turn, i can turn it back on. But I'm afraid that if i leave it connected for the whole show, that it will run out of battery, i changed the battery about a month ago.

What is a good, affordable electric guitar for metal/post hardcore/what most peoople call screamo?

I bought a MIM fender telecaster with single coils because I was more into alternative music with more light distortion (The All-American Rejects, Weezer, All Time Low, etc). But I've been listening to a lot heavier music (Underoath, The Devil Wears Prada, Billy Talent, etc) lately. What is a good electric guitar for playing this kind of music for under $500? Thanks.

Progressive Lens question?

I work in optical..doing eye exams and selling glasses and contacts. Someone asked me the other day why progressive lens are made with any distortion and i said that what the nature of the lens is. But honestly, why are progressive's made with distortion?

Terminating parents rights?

i am looking to terminate my rights as a parent. i have custody of 2 of my sons, due to mothers drug addiction and criminal record.the third and oldest child's mother is a bear to deal with on any level. and even went so far as to tell me she had an abortion, miscarried and tried to have me arrested for domestic violence witch did go to trial, and i was found innocent by 12 jurors. she claims that the children i do have custody of beat up, pick on, and talk poorly to our son (the kids i have custody of are 2 and 4) my oldest is 6. she claims that i am the 2 kids mothers problem because of her recent activities. this is just back ground. what do i do? i have come to this conclusion after years of battling with her and to no avail. i'm at a loss and have this current thought that is my last option. any advice would be help full this is a tough decision

What do dreams about cemeteries and dead people mean?

Ok, so last night I has a dream that I was in school coming from my chemistry class on my way to the last class of the day but I couldnt remember where to go. I walked in circles around the school trying to find the class but I just couldn't remember. So I text my sister to tell me because in real life we do have the same class but she never answered. I gave up finding my class and went into the library. The library in my dream was in the school, but to get back from the library to your class, you had to drive there. WEIRD ! Anyway, (getting to the point) we weren't in a car,but there were 5 of us going back to the school and I looked over and saw a cemetery. The cemetery was covered with ancient egyptian stuff like gold and jewels. Then I saw this guy in a coffin who was dead but he was an egyptian prince I guess because the cemetery was only for royal egyptians. I could see his face so well and I was at a distance, it was like I zoomed into the cemetery. Then I look over and see the police, they were there because someone robbed the cemetery. My phone starts vibrating and it's my sister, she tells me that we had double period chemistry, which means I was supposed to stay in the class I came from. -___- Then I kind of woke myself up because it was creepy !

How do i buy a new house with no money, How do I get a license? how do I function?

wow sounds alot like my **** filled life, you should stay off the sandwiches or you'll start looking like a peanut!

I went to the bank and redeemed $5500 in cash. If people see it in front of me, will they rob me?

Is it possible that there are robbers that will come after me and point a gun at me by telling me to put my hands up and give them all that money if they see all those hundred dollars bills? I'm sorta laughing because I thought that's a joke. Do you agree?

How do I handle two jury summons with a few months of each other?

My husband received two jury summons within a few months of each other. One for one court downtown and the other for a nearby city. Juror ID numbers are different, but names are the same. He registered for the first, was on standby, called daily, and was let go by telephone. The other he ignored because of the first summons. He just received a postcard stating he will be fined if he doesn't respond to the second summons. What is the best way to address this because I understood once you serve (able to serve on a jury, just waiting to be told to show up, and then dismissed) you're done for a year. What bothers me the most is the different juror ID numbers, but same name.

Our friends in the North will face jail terms if they are seen to being friendly with strangers in London?

Its hard to believe he met someone who could speak English or he wasn't chased by a mob of enraged Muslims or half a Somalian tribe.

Is boxing failing because of home cooking?

Yet, another fighter was robbed today. Matthysse beats Alexander but since its in Alexanders home town it automatically goes for him. Alexander should retire, because he is **** and just got beat by a one dimensional brawler. But I guess Alexander doesn't have to retire because they cheat for him in st. louis. He also likes to Kotelnik aswell. Alexander really has 3 losses on his record, he did not only lose to Timothy Bradley.

On what page in 12 Angry Men by REginald Rose does it say this...?

Juror 11 says to Juror 7: Now you're voting guilty because you've got baseball tickets burning a hole in your pocket. Something like that.

Need some help people?

Okay so i had this online friend and we talked a while back. We havent talked in 5 months and i finally got in touch with him. His phone got disconnected after 5 months and I couldnt find a way to call or anything. His mom treated me so nice the last time i was on his phone. Now he finally answered me threw facebook and he gave me his new number. I asked him to call me and he did. he said he would call back and he did. Then he started to forget to call me back. He always told me he had to do something. but the first time he did actually call me back. Now he told me over the internet that somebody stole his phone and he was robbed. Should I give him some space? Will he call me if I leave him alone?

Why when I told my mom I was dropping out she threatned to send me to a pysch?

hmm...well, it depends. how far away is hogwarts where you live? and what about money? language? you’d have to do a lot of stuff before you even buy your plane tickets. sorry, but, you might have to wait a while

Could you get in trouble for this?

omg! what an unfair thins that he was forced to complete jury duty!with all the losers out there who give a hoot about their education!

Can a wealthy defendant, facing serious criminal charges, bribe a jury (See details)?

It's possible...but 99.9% of jurors who are approached with an offer like that will rat out the guy making the's a very risky proposition.

When will black on black crime end?

I'm tired of brothers robbing other brothers who themselves bearly get by by the few dollars they rob. Thus the ghetto circle of life.

Help me buy a Low action ukulele which brand or model ?

I can not go to the music stores to review many cheap ukulele. I am going to buy cheap ukulele that easy playing for girls and low action without distortion. which is the best ?

Lenses for Canon Rebel XS?

I tend to stay away from third-party lenses. They will work, of course, but I demand higher quality for my work.

I got a new monitor and now when I open a JPG in Windows it all comes in yellowish. What do I do to fix it?

The monitor screen looks perfect there is no color distortion generally when I'm using Windows, but when I open a photo with Windows' default image viewer the cyan-bluish bright white areas are become yellowish. It's really tedious. I suppose it has something to do with Windows' color management...I don't know. It's a standard Samsung monitor with Windows' Vista.

Under Pericles, Athenian democracy remained limited because of what?

C. Non-citizens had no political rights is correct. Athenian democracy was not true democracy, but more a oligarchy of male property owners as they were the only ones allowed to vote.

Do you agree with my recipe for fixing the economy?

Wow, that is kind of scary, but it does make a lot of sense. I don't know that that taking it to that extreme is necessary but the basic idea sounds great.

Problem with my amp! no distortion?

Did you hit the 'overdrive' button? Maybe the guy had a pedal hooked up to it. Fender Supersonic has a great versatile sound with two gain stages, for a decent price without getting into full tube stacks. A stack is obviously what you want for that awesome high gain sound. Of course Cube amps have all sorts of cool sounds to mess with. I say take your Johnson Warrior back anyway and get something that really cooks.

If you was a juror, would you vote guilty or not guilty on Casey Anthony, and why?

No idea. I haven't heard all of the testimony and cross-examinations, or had the ability to examine the physical evidence in the case, and therefore it would be inappropriate to decide if she is guilty or not based on news stories and summaries.

What does it mean when i keep having dreams of being robbed?

maybe you feel like you can't keep a hold of yourself because of how other people are depleting your resources. The different scenarios may mean that there are a lot of different people pulling you in different directions but ultimately make you feel the same.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why when I told my mom I was dropping out she threatned to send me to a pysch?

hmm...well, it depends. how far away is hogwarts where you live? and what about money? language? you’d have to do a lot of stuff before you even buy your plane tickets. sorry, but, you might have to wait a while

Whats a good distortion pedal for black metal for electric bass?

really for any price im a bass player and want pedal to get that raw bass sound on my bass whats a good pedal??

Matthysse was robbed against Alexander!! Who do you think deserves the win?

MATTHYSEE MAN...he was robbed twice also when he fought zab judah...both times were HOMETOWN DECISIONS....freakin BULL$HIT MAN....i feel bad for MATTHYSSE and i hope these two robbed loses doesnt get him down and he comes back and puts on another good fight like he has the past two fights.

Would you recommend the Randall Kirk Hammett KH75 guitar amp?

I mainly play Metallica. I want to upgrade amps, but I want a clean sounding distortion and a good clean sound also. Would you recommend this? If not, what other amp would you recommend but keep it $400 or under?

Do I have to submit U.S. district court juror qualification questionnaire?

I received the form today in the mail. It is not a summons, just a questionnaire for them to determine if they will summons me in the future. I honestly do not want to be on a jury. Am I required to submit the form, or is it voluntary?

How Do You Catch A Thief?

My brother and I are trying to catch a thief that robbed us today or last night. Our family went to our Lake House at 5:30pm.We came home at 2:30 and when we saw our house ransacked, we called the police immediately. Our dad left about 30 minutes later. They took an Xbox 360, 2 Xbox controllers, my brothers laptop, Cod BO, MW2, and a Wii. We think it's our next door neighbors because they've snuck into our hOuse before and robbed us before. One of them already has a criminal record too when the other doesn't. They are brother and sister while the brother is a drug dealer. He delivers to another drug dealer up the street. Our neighbors suspected something was going on. We need a lot of help because it's our stuff they stole and we want it back. Can you give us any ideas. We are going to Gamestop to tell them if anyone comes in selling a Xbox360 2 controllers a Wii and BO and MW2 that those were stolen.

Who wants to join my task force against the corrupt police and who rob and ruin peoples lives for profits?

i am also targeting federal agents who use people and then destroy their lives to cover it up. i've had ten years of my life destroyed and manipulated because of some selfish, ignorant coward who thought it'd be a good idea. they have tried to kill me as well as have me locked up multiple times. who's with me?

Explain this to me.............?

It might be that they PROMISED them rest breaks at the time that they were hired and therefore it was in their contract.

Barry Bonds Jurors Adjourn Until Monday. Mean Anything?

The jurors in the Bonds trial started deliberations this morning, but after a full day they had not reached a verdict and adjourned until Monday. Does this make it more likely that Bonds will be convicted of perjury? Less likely? or no difference?

Should Pat Barry file complaints?

Should he file complaints like Lesnar did? Dan Ugliotta robbed him of his victory, allowing Kongo to recover a little and start swinging wildly. While Pat should never have let down his guard down, the dumbass ref should have called the fight. He could have at least buttoned his shirt and covered his jiggly moobs while he danced around. Was he looking at someone in the crowd?

How did the jurors in the Casey Anthony trial ask to see evidence?

If the jurors have been instructed not to be discussing the case among themselves, how were they able to request to see evidence? Not only did the judge allow it, the jury actually passed it around and physically held it. Wouldn't this be grounds for a mistrial, and contempt charges for the jury?

Problem with eyeglasses and prescription: one eye smaller?

one eye has a stronger prescription, i got my lenses from lenscrafters (polycarbonate) and after i got my glasses i noticed distortion. One eye appeared to be smaller than the other. If I get high index lenses, will that solve my problem? i dont want to look weird because of this. Thanks!

Do you agree with my recipe for fixing the economy?

Wow, that is kind of scary, but it does make a lot of sense. I don't know that that taking it to that extreme is necessary but the basic idea sounds great.

Which guitar amp should i get, th Peavey 6505 112 or Blackstar ht-60 stage?

the only thing i dont care for is the peavey only has one speaker but by tone, which sounds better for a thick distortion. i play stufff like All That Remains, Chidlren of bodom, and killswitch engaged

MY reasons to get out of jury duty....?

You'll need to provide proof if you offer an excuse like that to get out of jury duty. Enough people have lied to get out of jury duty that the courts have gotten wise.

Running from the police?

Ok so I'm on the run... At first I was really bored so I walked into a gas station where my friend works. We decided to pull a prank on the customers by me robbing the place but I accidentally shot one of the customers in the leg. My friend thought that it was an act and also thought the gun wasn't real so he shot another customer by accident thinking that she was in on it. So now we both are running from the police. Right now we are hiding out at another friends house. It's only a matter of time before they start investigating here too. What should I do? Please help!

How would you define "proof beyond a reasonable doubt"?

As simple as possible? The attorney asked this in court yesterday to the jurors and I don't really understand it

Casey anthony's car still held in evidence? I was wondering if so, does it still smell?

cause maybe they could take the jurors to the car?? Also is casey able to get her car back? or would they destroy her car? (just curious to know)

Stone sour unfinished?

What effects are used in the song unfinished by stone sour to get that deep tone? I have messed around with my Amp settings and my distortion pedal (just distortion. No built in sounds). Please help

What do you think about the Digitech Dg Grunge Pedal?

i didn't hear good things about it. you're better off with a chorus pedal, cause that's what grunge bands used... at least Nirvana did.

Best affordable Fuzz Pedal for guitar?

I have been interested in buying a fuzz distortion pedal for my guitar for awhile now and I was wondering what the best one under $100 is?

Do you think that I have the flu?

Ok so today I woke up and had a small problem seeing in which my right eye saw some distortion but after a while it cleared up and was followed by a headache; then I started feeling my forehead and it felt too warm as if I had a fever. I looked online on ways to get rid of a headache and one of the solutions was to intake a small amount of caffeine, so I drunk a very small amount of Coca-Cola and I threw it up. After this happened, I looked online for what illness has these symptoms involved (headache, runny nose, fever, vomiting) and the first thing to show up was the flu. Do you think that I have it? Any explanation to what it could be? Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

Distortion of space-time?

May be it's a stupid question.......but i could not help asking it it is: "When we show a heavy object on a rubber sheet- a two dimensional analogue of four dimensional spacetime-we see that that object distorts or curves the sheet into third when heavy stars or black holds or other things distort the four dimensional space-time, do they distort into fifth dimension?"

Long Distance Relationship...? help!?

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years now. We live in the city and he got jumped 3 times in the past month from people just wanting to rob him. He is 18 years of age and is enlisted in the military. He got hurt pretty bad the last time he got jumped, he has nerve damage in his face and has to get surgery due to a broken cheek bone. he got his two front teeth knocked out. Well, now his mom wants him to move back to florida with his grandmother (where he is originally from) and he said yes. I am upset because he agreed to go and he is 18 and could have chosen to stay but he didnt. He has cheated at least two times and lies to me ungodly. but i still love him, I want to know if you think this might work? Should i try the long distance relationship? He said he would move back after this year of high school. I just got a job and we plan to get our own place. Should i try to make things work? Or let our trust issues rule out having a long distance relation? HELP!

Are "interest only" payments ok?

I got an online loan from a company called CK Marketing. For the last 2 months they have taken out $75 from my account every pay day. I thought I was paying towards my loan. I just got off the phone with them and was told that I was making "interest only" payments and that I still owe the entire loan amount and that they are going to continue to take out $75 each pay day until I pay the loan in full. Is this ok? I am very frustrated and am hoping there is something I can do to keep my money. I got the loan because I needed money and now they are robbing me of it!!!

Reason for getting out of jury duty....?

Yes, you will have to provide proof. Enough people lie to get out of jury duty that the courts have gotten wise.

Liberals: Can you dispute that socialism rewards the lazy while punishing the hard-working?

And those who earned their wealth legitimately? Then, why do you support such an oppressive system that seeks to rob from the hard-working and the wealthy to give to the lazy and parasitic?

How to tame a dinosaur?

i have this pet dinosaur. his name is rob. i give him cheese everyday. he's really ugly. and he tries to bite my head off. idk why. i tried selling him to the zoo. but they got scared and evacuated the place. its like they've never seen a dinosaur before. anyways. please give me tips on how to train him. it would mean alot. like... my life. thanks.

In the movie Home Alone, why did the camera guy film everything instead of calling the police?

This has been bugging me for awhile, in the movie home alone he just filmed everything instead of calling the police. I'm just confused why he wouldn't just call the police because there was a kid who was home alone and the house was being robbed. So why not call the cops?

Can you match a High output pickup with a low output pickup?

Im buying the Dimarzio Super distortion for brisdge position and was thinking in puttinga PAF joe for the neck? would that be a good combination

If you was a juror in the Casey Anthony Murder Trial would you give her a death sentence?

Well unless the Defence can come up with concrete evidence that she had nothing to do with it then maybe she could get off, BUT I doubt it, I believe she's guilty and deserves the death penalty

What kind of notifications do your employers get when you serve jury duty in california? Date and time?

or just dates. Reason I'm asking is my boss is asking me for hours but the juror guy said just days are reported. I don't want to get in trouble for what I can't provide.

How do I get rid of humming on my amplifier?

I bought a Marshall JVM 210H half stack over a year ago. I recently joined a metal band so I started using heavy distortion. When I played a gig with them, my amp was just feeding back and humming. I started using a noise suppressor pedal which got rid of the feedback but my amp still has the humming sound. Here's the thing, it sounds good when I have it on clean, but when I turn it to the overdrive red mode, it hums. Is this normal? Could it be the tubes?

What guitar equipment should i get?

im wanting for my guitar to sound like kurt cobains guitar and what should i set it at like on the distortion pedal

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Where can I read 12 angry men online?

Is a play with 12 jurors discussing the possibility of prosecuting the defendant guilty who suppose murder his father with a switch-blade knife, anyone know where i can read it online please!?!?

What is the name of this song?

I have this song stuck in my head but i can't remember any lyrics or anything. but i do remember this, the song starts out with a bass guitar, the amp of the bass sounds to be on distortion, and you can hear the player scratch the strings of the bass for a little bit, then at one point drums come in, then the scratching of the bass stops and the bass starts playing. does it ring a bell anyone?

Should I still consult my Chiropractor for severe lower back/buttock/both leg sciatic pain?

Bravo to Jennifer!! I'd give you 10 thumbs up if I could. Just remember,chiropractic is the biggest sham in "health care" I've watched chiropractors and chiropractic patients for more than 24 years, and at this point am not surprised anymore at how low they stoop to get and retain patients. All the "tests" and x rays have absolutely no bearing on the pain you are experiencing,especially that ridiculous "spinal stress scan" When it comes to chiropractors,buyer beware!!

Co-Signing for a vehicle?

I recently co-signed for a thought to be friend on a car. Everything was great up until this point. After I co-signed everything changed she became rude and even assisted her spouse in robbing me. I have called the finance company and they told me that I could not remove my name from the car until the car was paid for. They told me that since I owned the car as much as she does that I could take possession of the car. I do not want to take the car from her because she did trade her old car in on the new one and taking the car will leave her without a car at all. But I can't understand why this has happened. She has not paid anything on the car other than the trade-in which they only allowed her $1000.00 for it. I guess that she was using me because her and her spouse wanted to buy a car but no one one would approve them (even the buy here pay here car lots). So I have like two options (1) take possession of the car and finish paying for the car or sell the car or (2) leave it alone and hope that she keeps insurance on the car and actually pays for it. Anyone know what should I do? I know that I should not have co-signed for her in the first place but for some reason I always get in trouble trying to help others. Please tell me what I should do because I have no idea-- but it will not quit bothering me.

Please help with Jury Duty?

I am summoned to serve as a juror in New York on Monday April 11th, what is the procedure and am i gonna have to show up on tuesday too? I want to go on a fishing trip on Tuesday and i wanna know if i'm gonna have to go again in the same week after the day i show up!

Is jury duty a civic duty for everyone?

If someone doesn't have the ability to perform Jury duty they can be excused. Given the time there would probably be time to get patients to a different doctor. Look at it this way, when deciding something based on evidence and logic, would you rather have a well educated person with adept critical thinking skills, or someone who thinks there could be fire creatures living on the sun?

Does anyone not know about the Casey Anthony case in Fla, how do you get unbiased jurors?

Yea, I have to agree, I know people who live in that area and they tell me that it's been plastered all over media for the past 2 years, if anyone says they know nothing about it, thats impossible!

Can I get a more defined distortion sound on marshall mg50fx + distortion pedal?

If i plug in a distortion pedal in... say clean channel of the amp will it sound better? The overdrive settings on the amp are good but wont do for heavy stuff and the sound is a bit muddy... Will the boss mt-2 metal zone do the trick in clean channel?

Im not sure about this this messed up or stupid?

first thing first, are you Mexican? or is your children anything to a Mexican? if so then I really don't care :)

Contacts Vision question...?

Hi, I just recently started wearing contacts without ever wearing glasses beforehand. I am near-sighted. After putting in my contacts it looks like my eyes are close together and my nose is big. I have been told too many times by too many different people and women about how "handsome" I am for this to be an accurate version of how I look. My contacts are pretty strong (power level 4 or something like that) because my vision beforehand was 20/200 or something like that ( I can basically just see the big "E" on the vision card and that's about it). Up close I can read very small print perfectly fine, it's just distance I have the issue. Anyway though my question is is there some sort of distortion occurring with my appearance due to the strength of my contact lenses to where when I look at myself with them on that it's not exactly the same as when other people see me with good, non-corrected vision? Has anyone else that is near-sighted and with strong lenses had a similar experience or know of this same type of thing occuring? Thank you

I am attorney of the accused in Twelve Angry Men, how do I convince the jury that the accused is innocent?

We have to do a journal entry where we write the closing remarks for the case that was tried in Twelve Angry Men. In other words, we have to pretend that we are the attorney defending the accused. We are appealing to the jury, trying to convince the, that the accused is in fact innocent. What would;d be some evidence to Tell the jurors to show them that the accused is indeed Innocent not guilty.

Why are effects pedals and strings more expensive on a bass than a 6 string?

seriously 30 dollars for 4 strings and 80 something for a cheap wah wah pedal. 80 plus for a overdrive/distortion pedal? come one

Big problem on street?

There's is an apartment behind out street and the people have made a walk way through it and there has been nothing but trouble since. Almost everybouse on the street has been broken into and worst. The other day they called a pizza guy to a house and robbed the pizza man. People are scared to Even come out the house becuase of these people. They come in big gangs sometimes and really threaten us. What can I do? Or we do? I live in baton rouge, La. They police comes like once a month and lives after 5 minities. What's next?

Why isn't the penalty for first degree murder, death?

why isn't the penalty for first degree murder death? Is it because the courts and jurors respect murderers?

Is this a reason to get fired? Reassure me please,Dunno why but i'm freaking out?

I'm 28 and i'm in cellular sales and make like $50k a yr..been with the company for almost 5 yrs and I would say #s wise I'm the best sales man in company..I sold the most phones the past 3 yrs and i'm on pace for that this yr as well...And i'm pretty close with my manager..we know when to back off when were not in a good mood...Well my fiance ended up basically cheating on me and this has hit me so hard..We've been together for 11 LONG years and we have a house together...I have days where im ok and have days where im rock bottom...And i did tell my manager we did break up 2 weeks ago...Right now I dunno who i am, my mind is wandering..basically I'm messed up right now...and that day was really hard on me...So i was quiet and didn't really talk..i was just really down...well the trainer came down i guess and i said a few things to her and then just stood there and was just thinking...and my manager came to floor asked me to sit by her and i said well im comfy over here (joking around) but i guess she took that like a smart *** remark... and when i sat near her she asked whats wrong is everything ok..i just looked down and said ya everythings fine (didnt want to pour everything at her on sales floor) then the trainer apparently thought i had an attitude and didnt want to participate on what they were trying to my manager took me in back after trainer left and said she was disappointed in me and how shes really upset right now and doesn't want to talk about it..i tried to tell her about whats going on with me and she raised her hand and said ROB i do not want to talk about it...then says I want u to think about this over the weekend and we will talk on monday about this...I am so worried that they may release me because of this...but right now like i said my head is f'ed u right now...i cant think straight and I have no idea who i am...that day before work i was balling my *** off...i was sitting in my car for an hr and half just listening to music...I'm coming in 30 mins early so i can sit with my manager and pour her everything about whats going on and i'm hoping she also going to try to take a week off and travel to connecticut to visit my family..I'm just not myself and i had no intentions on giving an attitude to anyone...What u guys think do I have anything to worry about?

What do petit jurors need to know when they arrive on the designated date?

This is my first time being summoned as a petit juror. Is there any information that I would need to know when I arrive there? For example, what do petit jurors specifically do in court? I am summoned to Upper Marlboro in a couple of days and I would like to be prepared. If anyone has an experience they would like to share, it would help greatly. It's sorta getting me nervous because of what "I don't know". Thank you!

Law question here,murder,death penalty?

I have been studying criminal justice and have a degree. You don't need fingerprints or witnesses sounds like they had substantial evidence in the hair found. Those hairs probably hurt his case and tied him to the scene. Everyone convicted of first degree murder has a right to appeal and it will go to the appeals court. You can do that a few times but most of time the appeals court will not overturn the verdict if the evidence is strong enough for a conviction. He will probably sit on death row for a very long time and die of natural causes before they would put him to death. All anyone can do now is pray for his soul. God Bless.

I can't think of the name of a movie...?

it's one that hasn't come out yet but i think it comes out in has the pizza guy and goes to deliver pizza to guys with monkey masks and they tell him to go rob a bank. so they strap a bomb vest thing and tell him if he doesn't rob it they will blow him up. so the guy goes to a school to get help from his friend that works there? i think that's all i know that happens. so what's the name of it!

Please help with reloading data question?

I have an unopened pound can of Hodgdon H 450 powder. I am having problems finding reload data for this powder. It is my understanding that it was discontinued some years back. Several people have told me that this is an excellent powder for medium cartridges. I am reloading for a 30-06 and .257 Rob. I have been using IMR 4350 for both of these. Any help on where I can find this data would be appreciated.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do you think the Burka is dangerous?

Yes they are and they should be banned worldwide - they are too easily abused by terrorists and criminals, and there are good reasons for wanting to be able to recognize people in public places.

Can I call the police on this one kid?

Ok well today after school this kid told me he was going to get me 200$ of weed for 100$ so I went..and we went to a apt. complex..and told me to wait outside and give him the money so he can go in and get it so he went and he came out saying he got robbed by some black guy..(Witch I know he didn't) Can I call the cops on him do I need proof or what do I need to do?

Need some help for an order of pedals on a Metal Pedal board?

im gonna be in a band, so im trying to put together a good pedal board for metal music. i have 2 Distortion pedals, Either the Boss ML-2 Metal Core, or the Boss MT-2 Metal Zone, and then The Boss NS2 Noise Suppresor or the MXR M135 Smart Gate, i have the Boss BF-3 Flanger, the Boss DD-7 Digital Delay, the MXR M101 Phaser 90, the MXR MC401 Boost Line Driver, and the Boss PS6 Harmonist on my list, i also have a wah. so if someone could order these into a pedal board that would be awesome, thanks

Is it unusual to be called for Jury Duty and never called up as Possible Juror?

Yes, it is possible to be called up for jury duty but never get to sit on a trial. Unfortunately, it happens a lot, especially when the case gets settled at the last minute.

Whyare the police so useless?

They seem to be here at the moat pointless crimes in history such as : riding yor bike on the path... Plahig ball in a 'no ball games' zone... But when one is being raped/mugged/murdered/robbed/kidnaped ... where are they? They are far more dealing with petty crimes with teens than the actual major crimes... :l why are they so useless..

I Think Lucas Matthysse Deserves a Title Shot with Winner of Khan Vs. Judah or Timothy Bradley who agrees?

Mattysse was Robbed in his past two fights due to hometown descisions. He truly beat Zab Judah and Devon Alexander but was robbed in both fights. He should be undeafeated rite now if those wins were granted to him he would have cleaned out 2 of the top 140 pounders therefore giving him a title shot with AMIR KHAN OR TIMOTHY BRADLEY who agrees?

Can someone look different in pictures?

if you are taking a picture from a front view can that person still look different from real life due to 2d distortions that wide angle lens of the camera causes? meaning, can the face look much wider, fuller, and uglier in comparison to what the face looks like in real life?

Do I have to pay the Brokerage COD from a UPS deliver right at the door or can I pay it later ?

The title says it all. Can I pay the brokerage COD later or do I HAVE to pay at the door ? Will they keep the parcel if I don't pay at the door, and just hold it at their warehouse/evil fortress of rape/rob your cutomers untill I have the money and can go get it, or will they send it back to where it came from ?

What are some Good PS3games like Fallout 3/New Vegas?

I like the fallout games alot. I dont want a game like oblivion with quests or scrolls or medieval crap like that. I would prefer games that you can like go out and hunt a animal if you want or rob a bank/liquor store. Well in short a very realistic game where you can do every like, small and random thing. Thanx

What does it mean when jurors ought to be empaneled and returned?

I understand that empaneled means to be put on a list of jurors but i dont understand the returned part.

Help with Teen Bible Study topic?

"Teens" need to concentrate on getting a real education. This stuff will only make them dumber!

My Kindle 2 screen is really messed up, how do I fix it?

I had a Kindle for about 6 months and then randomly the upper right screen become like frozen with the screen saver image on it when I would wake it up and there was a bunch of distortion and weird lines. So I figured I'd dropped it or accidentally hit it or something. Called Amazon, got a new one, no big deal. Now I've had this one (still a Kindle 2) for only a few weeks and it's doing the EXACT same thing. I've taken great care of it, so what is going on!? I've tried holding the switch over for 20 seconds to reboot it, and something happened but I couldn't tell what because the screen is so messed up, and my Kindle is still on anyways. Anyone know what is going on?

Would Walmart hire me?

You've got a shot, because I'm pretty sure walmart cannot legally say that they discriminate against applicants. However, you're at an automatic disadvantage having that on your record. I don't think Walmart would immediately discount you for something you did as a teen, but it would depend on who it actually hiring you, I'm sure.

Does one cable outlet distort the news?

Fox News is unapologetic in their coverage of the news. Everyone knows they're biased, they don't care, people who watch don't care, you shouldn't care. This isn't 2004, Fox News isn't tip-toeing around being fair and balanced anymore. They think there's a liberal conspiracy to keep "good news" down and so they tell the other side of the story. Their side.

Juror 13...Is Jose a konfabulating defense attorney?

I totally agree with what you are saying. I also think that they have something going on. Even in court they are smiling and touching each other. Thats not a normal lawyer-client relationship.

What kind of AV reciever should I buy?

You might also look at Yamaha receivers. Onkyo tend to run hotter than yamaha so make sure that which receiver you do get that it is not enclosed in a cabinet

Yes or No ? What do you think? Did She Lie?

Did Cindy Anthony lie to jurors today when she took the stand and said "I made the searches for chloroform." & "The stain was in the car when we bought it".

Any way to get into Canada without a passport?

you can always ask them to send back your birth certificate. one word of advise is always send copies and keep the real one. also, you could get some high school transcripts plus your license is still valid to show ur residency. send them anything you can from job employments, anything from your elementary, middle, high school. also, right a letter and explain to them what's going on.

I'm male, 55, divorce, always wanted 2B legal Australian as 2nd home, I work by phone so I won't take a job?

Austrailia's government is even more left wing loony tunes whackadoodle than ours. They actually admit to being Socialist.

A 15 year old in florida charged with attempted armed robbery what would his sentance be?

He attemped to rob some one at shell with a bb gun he was wearing a bulletproof vest and had a mask, the police had to use k9 n helcopters to find him. I am curious to know how long would he be sentanced to also if chance at bail or parol.

Does it matter what bass i use for electro harmonix effect pedals?

So does using a specific bass make the distortion and effect better? Or does the bass dont matter at all? Because my band is going to perform starlight and i dont really play bass, i dont even have one. My school has one, and i am getting the electro harmonix big muff distortion pedal, and i think it is a waste to buy a bass for only 1 night. The school's bass is really, i dont know how to say it, so thats why i am asking this question.

Looking for a pedal to get a distortion tone close to Rivers tone on Weezer's Blue Album?

Find a used Boss gt-5 processor on Amazon. They cost about the same as a new pedal and you can recreate lots of old amp sounds with them. There's about a thousand different settings and you can experiment to find what you are looking for. It's in there some where trust me.

Survey: Do you think you would make a good juror? Why or why not?

Yes but I do anything I can to get out of it if I can, I have never served but I have never heard any good come from the people who have served.

Is it common for 1 of 12 jurors to vote against the other 11?

it happened when i was on jury service. 10 voted against 2 of us. then the other girl gave in but i wouldn't. you do get made to feel bad though as everyone sort of has a go at you and if you're not strong you would give in just to finish it. i stuck to my guns, like it or lump it. i still think i was right even now.

Does anyone know how much a used ps1 game named brave fencer musashi would be worth if it worked perfectly?

there is no scratch damage, has the manual but not original case, no freezing during gameplay, and no distortion what so ever. So other then being used once and not having the original case it works the same as a new one, i'm just wondering how much it would be worth cause a site i went on said new was 197$$ and another said new was 50$$ so i'm really confused what the used price could be set at... so if you can help please respond thanks

How would you define "proof beyond a reasonable doubt"?

As simple as possible? The attorney asked this in court yesterday to the jurors and I don't really understand it

How To Set The Low, Mid, High, Sub, LPF, HPF On Sony Headunit?

Low , mid , and high are set to your taste .... but try to stay in the negative range on the low ... and try to keep it within +/- 4 on all of them .... other than that set it to what sounds good to you . LPF = Low Pass Filter and is the crossover frequency for your sub out . set it near 100hz and it will let any frequencies lower than that pass freely and filter out any higher freq. at the rated amount ..... HPF = High Pass Filter and does the same but opposite.... allowing higher freq. to pass freely. set near 125hz for most speakers and about 180-200hz for small 4" mids . the normal/reverse is changes the direction the sub moves first when playing a sound... and will not damage anything. may make them louder or sound better in some instances ... but most of the time does little .

Friday, July 15, 2011

Malachi 3:8, who is or was it applicable to?

New testament believers are obligated to give in order to support the work of the Lord both at home and on the mission field

Is Casey Anthony guilty or innocent?

I'm trying to figure out if she murdered her daughter or if a babysitter did it. If she's innocent why did she wait 31 days before reporting her daughter missing? Also i heard they took the death penalty off the table then changed their minds and now they wanna give her the death penalty. Does anyone know why they did this? Whoever knows more about this case than I know, please write your opinions, any facts about this case, thanks. I'm watching jury selection on tru tv, quite interesting, also why are many jurors being called back for more questioning?

Why do liberals see the world upside down all the time?

Totally agree with you on that one, i wonder if there point of view would be the same if they or there families where on the receiving end of violence, conservatives do sometimes get together as angry mobs have you never seen them fox hunting savage beasts they are.

I have been watching the Casey Anthony trial and the defense presented a medical examiner who did a second?

The defense team for Casey Anthony is now putting on there people to give their ideas on how they might have done things differently then the previous medical examiners,the FBI or CSI have done.That's all they are doing to make the jury look at different things that were done in a different way.

John Carpenter's Halloween movie?

Does anyone know What Michael Myer's mom's name is in John Carpenter's Halloween.I know in Rob Zombie's Halloween Michael's mom's name is Deborah Myers.Is it the same in John Carpenter's.And what about the father too whats the father's name in John's Halloween

Guitar effects pedals/ Pedal board?

I am like one of the only guitar player without a full pedal board. but it's because my amp has all the stuff that those pedals do. (distortion, delay, 500 presets, hundreds of sounds,tuner, etc.) I didn't think there was a point of getting pedals when my amp can do all of that. What would you suggest??

Does a p-90 would be better on my epiphone es-333 that my dirty finger humbucker?

i buy an epiphone es-333 tom DeLonge Signature but the pick up is a Dirty Finger Humbucker and at first i was loving the distortion for punk with that pick up but now i try to play some other style and the sound is horrible. Does a p-90 would be better than my dirty finger because i want to keep just one pick up on my guitar? I know that the p-90 is maybe not the better choice for blues and jazz, but i want to have a compromise between punk-rock and blues, jazz.

Is it possible for a defendant to become the victim during a case or trial, if it is, what is it called.?

This is called presenting a defense. This happens In every single trial where the defense wants to challenge the prosecution's case.

How can I get rid of the distortion in my car speakers?

You need to examine everything present. Car stereos usually play best with 4 ohm speakers. The output of the stereo should not be more than the speakers are rated to handle. That is another unknown to us, but you can look at the speakers to see what their specs are and read the literature for the stereo. Then you need to see to it that the speakers are connected correctly. The directions should be in the literature that came with the stereo.

Song from The Hot Chick?

When April and Jessica(well rob schneider) walk into the prom there's some song playing like "hey hey hey hey hey hey oh na na na" or something... It's a guy singer? Help?!

If I have a moral objection to being a juror, will that get me out of jury duty?

Under the facts you just cited if anyone found out you violated your oathe to be fair and impartial you could be prosecuted. If you feel for moral reasons you cannot judge anyone you must notify the judge. You may not be excused from service but you have to be honest.

How does TNT make its commercials?

I've been seeing these commercials for shows on TNT where time is stopped in some action like scene. The camera pans through the scene with no distortion or time change. How do they film these?

Will a juror be held in contempt if they refuse to answer a question during voir dire?

LovesTheConstitution is right. I would just add that the judge is the referee of the courtroom in a sense; if the questioning was really uncalled for he would probably speak up himself. It is safe, however, to speak your mind in such a case, if you feel that it is right. If the judge has a problem with that, he'll tell you very clearly that you have to answer the question. He won't just slap you with contempt right away. You also won't be automatically excused for being uncooperative. I think it would increase your chances of one of the lawyers not liking you, though.

Sister's Boyfriend robbed me?

My sister has been dating this guy for about 7 months. He told me that he could have his friend fix my laptop, which had a virus. After discussing plan of action and talking to my mom about it, I decided it was a good idea. After about a week I asked about my laptop and he said that his friend was gonna have me pay him like $300 to have it cleared, my mom said that she would bring it to her job and her employee would fix it at a fraction of the cost. So I asked for my laptop back, and he said his friend 'keeps forgetting it at work'. It's been over 3 months and I haven't seen my laptop. I keep asking for it back. I even emailed the friend and asked for it back, but no answer. What should I do? I want my laptop back, can I filed some sort of report?

Why am I playing so badly?

Whenever i play guitar it sounds bad. The way i play is fine, ive been playing for almost 6 years. I am using an Ibanez Gio and a Peavy Viper amp. PLEASE HELP ME!! Its hard yo explain but it just sounds bad, like there is to much distortion and it always go's out of tune and just sounds really bad.

Is this a good fantasy team?

this looks like a very solid team. freeman is very underrated, blount and gore are both very productive backs, williams has a good past but idk about the future, try and trade him to one of the guys in your league that dont know much, your wide reciever core is probably the best 2 in the game, the only problem is the qb situation with both of them but it should be fine, clark is always good with manning throwing to him, packers d is one of the best, and then you have a solid kicker. the only change i would make with your bench is drop miller or pettigrew early in the season for a rb or wr that came out of no where. you don't need 3 te's, especially since clark will be your starter almost every week but still very nice looking team

Omg help ! What should I do ?!?

I seen this gangster looking guy in front of my house throwing up gang signs to the queenns and I dont want to call the cops cus that gangster might come back and kill me or rob my house ! And if he found out it was me hes going to tell his friends to rape me or something ! And p.s. I think I had slept with one of his brothers because he had a familiar face , and voice like his .

What does it mean to have a dream that you are dating a married man?

I had a dream last night that I met this guy and we kissed and we were really attracted to each other. Then he told me that he was married and I asked him how long he had been married and he said 2 months(it seemed like this wasn't the first time we had met though). Then I went back to work and the store I work at got robbed at gunpoint.

What 2 principles of fundamental justice are most involved when a juror is challenged for cause?

Nothing more than the way you were brought up. Whether up with grandpa's prejudices or your mother's love.

Trial of casey anthony: iv heard the interview between the cops and casey...cops caught her in one lie after..?

The woman is guilty as sin. Everybody knows it, and I truly hope she gets the death penalty for telling the lies about her family to cover her lies and what she has clearly done.

Which of these amps should I get? (10 points)?

The Line 6 is the better amp. It's MUCH easier to use and the effects and modeling are higher quality.

High-end 6.5" speakers, Rockford Power or Infinity Kappa?

The Rocks... based on two things... comparing the stats and reason two is personal choice. Infinity is sometimes over hyped imho.. they don't particularly sound the best... the way to decide would be to listen to both in an audio store with your selection of music.

Good trade? NBA 2k11?

I'm the Washington Wizards (No fantasy draft) in association mode. I'm pretty sure I just robbed the Bobcats. They gave me Stephen Jackson for Jordan Crawford and next years 1st round pick. Was this a good trade?

Do you think the jury will believe casey anthony was molested?

Its becoming very clear Casey Anthony is going to claim she was raped and molested and that led her to kill her kid. Apparent rape victims are very hard to convict so I am of the belief she will be freed. Psychologists will talk about post traumatic stress disorder etc and woman jurors particularly will buy into this as well as many men who have been affected by this horrible tragedy of an event. I am of the solid belief this is her defense strategy after watching a little jury selection after work today. What do you think?

What pedals do I need in my board?

I own a delay and distortion but what else do I need? I play alternative and hard rock. Thanks to all who answer.

What is your opinion that most, if not all, jurors didnt take notes in court?

How would they decide later if casey is guilty later? Does it mean that they will go for gut feeling in deciding, or that they have already made up their mind that she is guilty?

Do you think the use of jury system or the judge system results in more favourable social outcomes in trials?

Depends on the nature of the dispute. when the real issue is not application of the law, but simply a question of which person is telling the truth, nothing beats a jury. In the classic example, one person says immediately before the accident the light was red. The other says green. All agree that the outcome turns on that question. Go with the jury. If the argument is, even if it was green, I still win because you have an obligation to look out for those who have not yet passed through the intersection, then go with a judge.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Would I go to jail if?

Someone tried to rob me on the street at gunpoint, I gave the robber my money and as the robber was running away I shot and killed him.

How to photograph a graduating class on a sunny day?

I recently volunteered to be the photographer for a grade eight graduating class. The pose will be generic and I won't be allowed any other equipment aside a tripod and an SLR. They want this to be done as quickly as possible. It is VERY sunny out there. I realize that this will cause a problem with shadows. Any ideas for settings I could use? Also, this will not be taken with a wide angle lens due to distortion.

Could you serve as a juror on a murder trial?

I've been watching the Casey Anthony case on tv almost every day since it started. I've been thinking of how they must feel having to see evidence and hear the testimony about the death of a child. The burden of deciding if this woman will go free, be in jail for life or face the death penalty Also, the personal sacrifices that they make by being sequestered, could you do it?

MTG Ajani Goldmane Combo?

How would Ajani Goldmane's ultimate work out with cards like Distortion Strike or Whispersilk Cloak? Or even Mighty Leap? Would those and plenty of protection cards work out well? Don't hate, I'm just asking... and by the way, this is non-tournament play, so don't even yap on about that... (I'm talking to you, Peter Davies)

How can i get a good hard rock/ metal /alternative tone?

I use the effect Metal Zone, it does everything from soft rock through to grunge. Its really great, i play blink 182 then fiddle with the dials then paly some afi. its great.

Would a man who was in jail for 12 years have a healthy realtionship?

with a woman...if he robbed a liquor store, use to take drugs, tied up old people and killed a dog when he was younger.. now he is going to college has a job, but still is on parole and lives with his mom and grandma and brother? and he is 32 years old? He drinks beer when he comes home every night.. says the f word that comes out of his mouth alot and says he wants a long term relationship but I think he never follows through?

Why does my guitar amp start making a crunchy/static sound when I play it?

I have a Peavey Rage 158 transtube series and I play it with a Boss DS-1 pedal. Everytime I play a note you hear a crunchy and static sound mixed. It's not distortion because it didn't sound like that before. Also it overheats very quickly. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?

How important is the signal to noise ratio in a quality amplifier in terms of sound dynamics?

is it a make or break number as many receivers/amps have terrible SN ratio and narrow frequency response at full rated power is this a factor in sound quality as compared to a unit that has lower distortion and higher SN ratings?

Computer programs for guitars.?

Awhile back a friend of mine had a program where he could Play his guitar through his computer. It even had many options on distortion and effects. I'm mainly wanting this so I can also record my work and make CD's,post to Facebook,and youtube. What are my options what works well,and most importantly cost effective. Thank you.

Is the economy so bad that people are too broke to sit on Jury Duty?

The jury duty pay and wages are probably only part of it. Most employers will give the time off without pay.The 3 to 8 weeks away from family and 100 miles away are probably a part of it also. Plus the the high profile and media attention that the case has gotten would eliminate many people from giving a fair and unbiased verdict and many people already know that.

Can I use an overdrive pedal over my distortion pedal?

I want to get a Zakk Wylde overdrive pedal, to give my guitar an extra boost for solos when I am playing live. However I haven't seen anyone use this over a distortion pedal so I am just making sure that I can, and that I won't be getting crazy noise if I do so. Have you tried doing this? Does it work?

Barry Bonds Verdict: Can You Say Joke?

the ruling was a joke. no way should he have the record and he used roids you can tell from how much he beefed up from the pirates to the giants theres no question bout him usin roids

I have two XXX brand 12" subwoofers with matching 1200 watt amp. How do I set it?

I start hearing distortion and you can't hear or feel the bass when you are outside the car, yet you can feel it some in the car. I was told the gain and bass boost needs adjusted, but I tried that and still can't get it to "bump" like I want it to. They worked great in my friends car, who I bought them from. How do I get it to bump so you can hear it from several blocks away?

How does one instantly switch from a distorted tone to a clean tone on an electric guitar?

you can use a distortion pedal, (or a switch if your guitar or amp has one) and distortion pedal is a very general term, there are some types of distortion which can be modulated with your foot, but most you just press to turn on and off.

Was Mathysse robbed of a victory with a home town decision favoring Alexander?

The fight was close but I believe Mathysse could at least have scored a draw after giving Devon his first ever knock down. Any opinions?

Lyrics from songs from the bands below,about hate/death/love that I could put as a Facebook status?

So I need lyrics that could be put as a status on Facebook. It's kind of a long story why, anyway. it would have to be things that you could say to a guy (If it were about the love part) Death and hate, it doesn't matter.. So nothing like with a girl's name or anything. Bands like.. Vampires Everywhere, Get Scared, We Came As Romans, Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, Black Veil Brides, Alkaline Trio, Samhain, Danzig, Pierce The Veil, Love Hate Hero, A Skylit Drive, Veils Of Maya, Hopes Die Last, Woe, Is Me, Chelsea Grin, eatmewhileimhot, Breathe Carolina, My Eye's Fall Victim, The Color Morale, Funeral For A Friend, Social Distortion, With One Last Breath, Penknifelovelife, Duck Duck Goose, Our Last Night, After The Burial, AFI, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, Knives Exchanging Hands, Good Charlotte, Job For A Cowboy, Eyes Set To Kill, The World We Knew, Escape The Fate, Sense's Fail, Alesana, Motionless In White, KISS, Misfits, Cannibal Corpse, Enter Shikari, Motley Crue, Miss May I, The Word Alive, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Falling In Reverse, Dance Gavin Dance, Silverstein, Before Their Eyes, Slaughter At The Engagement Party, Sky's Eat Airplanes, Nevershoutnever!, Of Mice And Men, Suicide Silence, Attack! Attack!, Hawthorn Height's, Amber Pacific, Attack Attack!, Underoath, All That Remains, Parkway Drive, Rise Against, Arsonists Get All The Girls, Count Your Blessings, The Ghost Inside, After Me, The Flood, Dr. Acula, The Acacia Strain, Drive A, Violets For Verona, Green Day, August Burns Red, My Children My Bride, Bring Me The Horizon, blessthefall, Gnomes With Combs, Have Heart, Legend, Nights Like These, Embrace The End, Stray From The Path, Structures, I The Breather, Family Force 5, Attila, Born Of Osiris, After The Burial, Call It Karma, Simple Plan, Mayday Parade, In Fear And Faith, Sleeping With Sirens, Texas In July, The Black Dahila Murder, Chiodos, Liferuiner, Heavy Heavy Low Low, I Wrestled A Bear Once, Blind Witness, For Today, Emarosa, A Thousand Time's Repeat, I Killed The Prom Queen, Abandon All Ship's, Beneath The Sky, The Acacia Strain,Agraceful, Alexisonfire, The Amity Affliction, Atreyu, Beneath The Sky, Bleeding Through, Bullet For My Valentine, Burden of a Day, Comeback Kid, Dethklok, Envy on the Coast, Four Year Strong, Gallows, Greeley Estates, Herbrightskies, I Am Ghost, It Dies Today, Job For A Cowboy, Killswitch Engage, Madina Lake, Memphis May Fire, Meshuggah, Moneen, Oceano, Oh Sleeper, One Morning Left, Our Last Night, Protest The Hero, The Red Shore, Saosin, Set Your Goals, Stone Sour, Story of The Year, The Used, Whitechapel, Aim for the Sunrise, A Bullet For Pretty Boy, A Midsky Surrender, Adept, Before Their Eyes, Casino Madrid, Catherine, Close to Home, Four Letter Lie, Isles and Glaciers, Mayday Cried the Captain, Paddock Park, Sienna Skies, This Romantic Tragedy, As Blood Run's Black, Beautiful Dying Day, A Day To Remember, The Devil Wear's Prada, Every Time I Die, From First To Last, Panic! At The Disco, All's Quiet, All That Remains, As I Lay Dying, Avenged Sevenfold, We Are The Ocean, Eighteen Visions, Assassins, The Almost, Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza, Oceano, Upon A Burning Body, ABACABB, Burning The Mass, This Or The Apocalypse, The Damned, For The Fallen Dreams, Architects, Abandon All Ships, Scary Kid's Scaring Kid's, A Mean's To An End, Every Avenue, All Time Low, Artist vs. Poet, System Of A Down, AC/DC,Metallica, All American Rejects, Avril Lavigne, Aerosmith, Iron Maiden, would all work. Please give as many as possible. Thank youuu!

10 points!!! I need help PLEASE!!?

i went to Van's Warped tour yesterday and recorded some of "The Final Episode" by Asking Alexandria and the video is pretty damn distorted sounding): is there any program on the internet that will help the distortion go away a little bit? please help):

How many more flash mobs of nonwhites beating and robbing before someone says enough?

Isn't it time for the people to get guns and ropes and take out these feral animals. They are unfit for human habitation.

Was 8 months harsh for Facebook juror?

She should have got a year at least for being so stupid. What hope does justice have with idiots like this on the jury. She must have known what she was doing as jurors are instructed to not discuss the case even with close family members. Chatting about it on a social networking site was sheer stupidity, she has cost the tax payer millions over the collapsed trial. 8 months is nothing, she will probably only serve two.